Basic Theory/Term

Program vs Process (프로그램과 프로세스 차이점)

Jack2 2012. 6. 21. 11:11

program : 일련의 명령 집합

process : 실행 중인 일련의 명령 집합



program 은 디스켓에 저장된 것을,

process 는 메모리에 적재되어 실행 상태에 있는 것을 지칭합니다.

[출처] 데몬 ( daemon process ) 와 프로세스 ( process ) ,program 차이

A process is an instance or invocation of a program - you can have for example two processes running the same program at the same time e.g. you can have a calculator program open twice, this is two processes but only one program. 

Some programs connect to and issue instructions to an existing process if one exists. Firefox is one example of such a program (when running under Linux at least). 

A process is a program in execution. It is an active entity whereas a program is an static entity. It is a set of instructions. 

In the abstract, think of a program as a set of instructions written down to do something, like the recipe for a cake. Taking those instructions and actually following them (i.e. executing them) results in an actual entity - a process in the computer world, or a specific cake using the recipe analogy. Thus, a process is the result of executing a program, just like the cake I'm eating is a results of the Betty Crocker recipe. As noted above, you have have multiple processes of one program, just like I can make many cakes from a single recipe.

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[출처] Answers : What is the difference between a process and a program?